OLIVIA / VIOLA (>v<)ゞ*゜

or other names...!

it/shethis carrd is a wip! sorry its so ugly rn

here's some uhhh general info for nowDNI proship, zoophile, racists, bigots, pro israel etc. 🖕my dms are off & i dont have an anon service for a reason. if its so important just friend me on discord @1000foldarms and we can talk about iti call the friendship between me and my best friend olly "viollie", so if you see me throw that term out, that's what that means!biaori/viaolly/olly x olivia shippers GTFO YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE. if you even think about following me ill clown on you. they are siblings you have no excuseI AM AUTISTIC!!! therefore i will be slow on any social cues and im ESPECIALLY bad at reading jokes, even if they have a tone indicator. please just be understanding of me and explain when i slip up on anyones words. thank youim not sure what else to put in here rn i just wanted to rush this out so people would know some stuff loltwitter, youtube, discord, bluesky, and artfight are all under 1000foldarms. i also have a completely inactive instagram and a tumblr only for looking at art under the same username. anyone else with this username on any other platforms is not me. i do not send anonymous messages to anyone.